Patrick Anderson

Technologist, Cyclist, Adventurer
Read my blog

Living life, one day at a time

I’m just a guy that likes to have fun. For me, that means stuff like riding my bike, checking out the latest tech, exploring new cafes and coffee shops, listening to live music and more. Follow along for my own mix of adventure, useful tips, and opinions!

A little bit about me

I currently live in Denver, Colorado. Since I joined the Air Force in 1989, I have worked in the technology field. I have one son and last year I got married to a wonderful woman, Liv. I love to ride bikes and do Crossfit.

Recent Blogs

10 Ways to Modify for Murph Challenge

Murph is coming up again on Memorial Day. I’ve been training to get ready and have encouraged some friends to join me. But for many people, doing the workout as prescribed is out of the question. In fact, I’ve only done it once exactly as it is written.  Just...

Tech Tutorial Videos

For awhile, I've wanted to create some tech video tutorials. Being in IT, I get a lot of questions and hear people complain a lot about tech problems they have. Many times, there are some simple solutions. I finally had some time, so I started to make some of these...


Over the years, I have uploaded lots of biking, concert, and other videos. Visit my YouTube channel to watch and subscribe.

andersonpg on Instagram
